Wednesday 5 October 2011

Classes, Courses and Events

            Yoga Courses and Classes:

                            Serenity Yoga Classes

               Come and enjoy Yoga with the experts

                                     Day & Time                               Venue
                        Mondays         18:00 - 19:30             Zoom Class
                        Wednesdays    13:30 - 15:00             Glebe Centre, Crich
                        Thursdays      19:45 - 21:15             Zoom Class
               Ring Helen for details, costs and availability: 07967169365
               Private Tuition:
                                         One to One sessions, or Pairs.

                               Contact Helen: 07967169365


New Serenity website

Serenity's new Website is now up and running! 

Visit to see Helen Sutcliffe's background and qualifications, testimonials from clients, plus full details of her yoga and complementary therapies. 

Those wishing to learn more or make a booking can contact Helen on by phone on 07967 169 365 or by email:

We hope you find Serenity's website useful and informative.  Your comments are very welcome - please contact me at:

Eddie Gaylard